Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bobby Fischer's Widow Will Inherit 140 Million Kronur

Translated from Icelandic:

Miyoko Watai, Bobby Fischer´s widow, will inherit the 140 million Icelandic Kronur that Fischer left behind when he died. It has been confirmed that Watai was Fischer’s wife, but not his girlfriend, as has been argued so many times. She will inherit all of the 140 million Icelandic kronur according to the resources of Vísir that he left behind, as well as the 67 square meter apartment in Espigerði.

As was said in the noon news of Stöðvar 2, the ex brother in-law of Fischer and father to his two nephews, Russel Targ, is here to look out for the interests of his sons. According to him on the website of Morgunblaðið, it is his intention to see if Fischer has a legal wife, or children. If that is the case then he has nothing to do here. But if it is not so then Targ will make demands on Fischer´s holding in the name of his sons, since they are the next to kin relatives.

The assets that Fischer leaves behind is part of the prize money that he got for the notorious chess that he played with Boris Spassky in Sveti Stefan and Belgrad in 1992 and was the reason that he was wanted by the United States government.

The money was held for a long time in a Swiss bank account according to resources of Vísir but the bank revoked his business with Fischer shortly after he moved to Iceland, and they put this money into account in his name in Landsbankinn.

The apartment in Espigerði, which Fischer bought in 2004, is on the ninth floor. It is the top floor of the apartment building, and his close friend Garðar Sverrisson lives on the seventh floor.

It has long been argued that Fischer was a father to a girl in the Philippines but Vísir has no information that he was in contact with her mother since the child was born. Therefore all of Fischer´s assets will go Fischer´s wife, Miyoko Watai. They were close friends for a long time and got married when the argument of the extradition of Fischer from Japan to the United States was at its high point.

Original story in Icelandic:

Miyoko Watai, ekkja Bobby Fischer, mun erfa þær 140 milljónir sem Fischer skildi eftir sig við andlát sitt. Staðfest hefur verið að Watai var eiginkona Fischers en ekki unnusta eins og oft hefur verið haldið fram og mun því erfa þær rúmu 140 milljónir króna sem Vísir hefur heimildir fyrir að hann láti eftir sig, auk 67 fermetra íbúðar í Espigerði.

Eins og kom fram í hádegisfréttum Stöðvar 2 er fyrrverandi mágur Fischer og faðir tveggja systrasona hans, Russel Targ, hér á landi til þess að gæta hagsmuna sona sinna. Haft er eftir honum á vef Morgunblaðsins að hann vilji ganga úr skugga um hvort Fischer hafi skilið eftir sig eiginkonu eða börn. Sé það raunin eigi hann ekkert erindi hér. Sé það hins vegar ekki raunin mun Targ væntanlega gera kröfu í eigur Fischer í nafni sona sinna enda þeir hans nánustu eftirlifandi ættingjar.

Fjármunirnir sem Fischer lætur eftir sig er hluti af verðlaunafé sem hann fékk fyrir hið umdeilda skákeingvígi sem hann háði við Boris Spassky í Sveti Stefan og Belgrad árið 1992 og olli því að hann lenti upp á kant við bandarísk stjórnvöld.

Því var lengi haldið föstu inn á svissneskum bankareikningum en samkvæmt heimildum Vísis rifti bankinn viðskiptum sínum við Fischer skömmu eftir að hann settist að hér á landi og lagði peningana inn á reikning í hans nafni í Landsbankanum.

Íbúðina í Espigerði keypti Fischer árið 2004. Hún er á níundu og efstu hæð í fjölbýli en náinn vinur hans, Garðar Sverrisson, býr á sjöundu hæðinni.

Því hefur lengi verið haldið fram að Fischer hafi feðrað stúlku á Filippseyjum en Vísir hefur ekki upplýsingar um að hann hafi verið í samskiptum við móður hennar síðan. Þar afleiðandi munu eigur Fischer renna óskipt til eiginkonu sinnar Miyoko Watai. Þau voru lengi nánir vinir og giftu sig þegar deilan um framsal hans frá Japan til Bandaríkjanna stóð sem hæst.


geography_teacher said...

This whole thing is tragic. If Fischer has a child, it should be cared for. Nephews should be further out of the picture than direct descendants. And everyone knows Fischer's "wife" was just a "procedure" that would prevent the Japanese authorities from getting him extradicted sooner. With no wife in Japan, he had no legal (Japanese) options and Fischer would most likely be stuffed into a cargo container and set to the U.S. on a fishing trawler stinking of Tanago. With some sort of "familial tie" to Japan, they were slowed down enough to allow him to skip on over to Iceland as a naturalized citizen.

Victor Vector said...

I bet she's happy Fischer talked her into it now!

DuelingBishops said...

It's all sad really. Bobby not in contact with the mother of his child, hording all that money and just letting it be tied up for so long.

Cartaphilus said...

How much money did Fischer win from the match? Wasn't it like $3,500,000 or something? So if he left $2,100,000 behind 16 years later, that means he only spent like $100,000/year? I would have been partying my ass off if I had that much change! Damn!

Greta Björg said...

In fact, Fischer´s daughter visited him here in Iceland in the summer of 2005. He himself made all arrangements around the travel, for the child, mother and a nurse for the girl. I´m convinced that some of the chessmaster´s friends must be looking into finding the girl and letting her have her legal inheritance. Otherwise...shame on us in this country.

GothicChessInventor said...

Hello Greta,

And thanks for your input. I spoke to Lothar Schmid from Germany, who was the referee for Bobby's two World Championship matches, and even he is perplexed by the stories surrounding this girl.

Feel free to tell us more details.

Unknown said...

I want to address to miyoko that jinky young is NOT a daughter of Bobby fischer. i can prove it to you. i know the real father of jinky young. fischer don't know about it. because the mother of jinky just using her own daughter to support them. try a DNA test with the presence of the child so you will know the truth.